by Active Alignment | May 19, 2020 | Arthritis, Exercises, Footwear, Health, Shoes, Sporting, Therapy
When searching for a new pair of shoes, finding the right pair that fits you the best can be a difficult and daunting task. Understanding shoe anatomy can assist you when we dive deeper into fit. Take a look at image 1 to help guide you through the different parts...
by Active Alignment | Dec 10, 2019 | Exercises, Sporting, Therapy
… do you remember that song? After an assessment with a patient and my explanation of his presentation (left hip and IT band pain with running that prevented him from continuing to run; coupled with a past history of left ankle sprains and a right shoulder...
by Active Alignment | Oct 18, 2019 | Exercises, Sporting, Studies, Therapy
“Best Long Distance Walking Shoes 2020,” Outside Buzz (blog), January 31, 2020, accessed 2019, Walking is one of the most refreshing activities in human life. Many of us walk for recreational purposes,...